Goa Police Recruitment 2021 For Police Constable Driver

Goa Police - Experience : Freshers

Goa Police recruitment for 2021 for police constable driver in panaji. Apply for police constable driver govt job in goa police.


Job Information

This job is the part of goa police recruitment and belong to government jobs updates. Goa Police is offering jobs for freshers for the post of goa police recruitment 2021 for police constable driver in Panaji so if you are looking for government jobs in Panaji location and your educational qualification is resume format for freshers to crack goa police job interview and check all government jobs faq for answer of your all queries.

Job Title : Police Constable Driver
Company Name : Goa Police
Job Location : Panaji , Goa
Education : 10th ,12th
Category : Government Jobs
Experience : Freshers
Post Date : 21 September, 2021
Last Date : 21 October, 2021

Job Details

Goa Police Jobs Notification 2021 information for the hiring of 55 Police Constable Driver Posts has been released on the official website at goapolice.gov.in. Candidates Planning to start their career with Goa Police can apply Offline application on or before 2021-10-21.

Police Constable Driver (Grade III): 55 Posts

  • Qualification: 10th pass from any recognized University/ Institute/ Board.
  • Salary Details: Rs. 19900 – 63200/- per month
  • Age Limit: 18 to 25 years as of 21st October 2021
  • Age Relaxation: 3 years for OBC, 5 years for ST

Application Fee

General: Rs. 200/-
SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/EWS: Rs. 100/-
Payment Mode: Offline

Selection Process: Selection will be on the basis of Written Tests.

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible applicants may appear along with a filled application form with an application fee send to the Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa on or before 21st October 2021.

Candidate Profile

10th pass from any recognized University/ Institute/ Board.

Education : 10th ,12th

About Goa Police
The Goa Police as an independent organisation was born in April 1946 with the establishment of Policia do Estado da India (PEI) Police of India, through a decree of the Portuguese regime which ruled Goa until 1961. Until then, all policing functions including the maintenance of law and order were being carried out by the Portuguese military.

The PEI was responsible for carrying out the functions of vigilance and maintenance of general order and comprised the following branches: public security, judicial police, internal and external traffic police, administrative & municipal police and civil identifications. Two years later, appropriate rules governing the police were framed on the lines of the legislation then prevailing in Portugal.

In the two-year period of the rules being framed,the PEI functioned under the regulations of O Corpo de Policia e Fiscalizacao da India (CPFI) The Corps of Police and Inspection Services of India that had been set up in 1924 to function as the policing arm of the military. The police services had been placed under the direct supervision of the CPFI command.
The PEI was organized into five territorial divisions for efficient performance with each division headed by a commissioner who reported to the commander of the PEI. The PEI thus developed into a supreme law and order establishment, with even officials and agents of organizations such as Customs having to inform it about violations that came to their notice. Not only did the PEI have powers to conduct search and seizure operations, it could also frame proceedings for prosecution and file cases for extraditing criminals.

How to Apply for Police Constable Driver
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