Goa Police - Experience : Freshers
Job Information
Goa Police Jobs Notification 2021 information for the hiring of 55 Police Constable Driver Posts has been released on the official website at goapolice.gov.in. Candidates Planning to start their career with Goa Police can apply Offline application on or before 2021-10-21.
Police Constable Driver (Grade III): 55 Posts
Application Fee
General: Rs. 200/-
SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/EWS: Rs. 100/-
Payment Mode: Offline
Selection Process: Selection will be on the basis of Written Tests.
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible applicants may appear along with a filled application form with an application fee send to the Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa on or before 21st October 2021.
10th pass from any recognized University/ Institute/ Board.
Education : 10th ,12th