Defence Laboratory Jodhpur - Experience : Freshers
Job Information
Defence Laboratory Jodhpur (DLJ) invites applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of Apprentices for 01 year training in various trades for the year 2021-22 under Apprentices Act, 1961, as amended in 1961, 1973 and 2014. Apply within 15 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper dated 5th June 2021.
Name of Post
Total Vacancies
Trade wise Vacancies:
Instrument Mechanic - 02
Mechanic Diesel - 02
Carpenter - 02
Plumber - 01
Welder - 01
Information Communication Technology System Maintenance (ICTSM) - 02
Turner - 01
Machinist - 01
Fitter - 01
Electrician - 01
Computer Operator and programming Assistant (COPA) - 20
Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (English) - 08
Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (Hindi) - 02
Computer Hardware & Network Maintenance - 03
Upper Age Limit: Not Specified.
Stipend: ₹ 7,000/- per month
Educational Qualification: ITI Pass in relevant trade from a recognized institute.
Selection Process:
No Interview.
Candidates will be selected strictly on the merit basis
How to Apply: Application in prescribed format. Candidates are required to send scanned copies of their application along with desired documents / certificate in PDF format through e-mail with the subject indicating application for above mentioned Apprenticeship Category only to
ITI Pass in relevant trade from a recognized institute.
Education : 10th ,12th ,Any Graduate