BOB (Bank Of Baroda) Recruitment 2022 For Specialist Officers For Corporate & Institutional Credit Dep

BOB (Bank Of Baroda) - Experience : Freshers

BOB (Bank Of Baroda) recruitment for 2022 for specialist officers for corporate & institutional credit dep in across india. Apply for specialist officers for corporate & institutional credit dep govt job in bob (bank of baroda).


Job Information

This job is the part of bob (bank of baroda) recruitment and belong to government jobs updates. BOB (Bank Of Baroda) is offering jobs for freshers for the post of bob (bank of baroda) recruitment 2022 for specialist officers for corporate & institutional credit dep in Across India so if you are looking for government jobs in Across India location and your educational qualification is resume format for freshers to crack bob (bank of baroda) job interview and check all government jobs faq for answer of your all queries.

Job Title : Specialist Officers for Corporate & Institutional Credit Dep
Company Name : BOB (Bank Of Baroda)
Job Location : Across India
Education : B.E. / B.Tech ,MBA / PGDM / MBM ,MCA ,M.Sc
Category : Government Jobs
Experience : Freshers
Post Date : 12 June, 2022
Last Date : 12 July, 2022

Job Details

RECRUITMENT OF SPECIALIST OFFICERS IN BANK OF BARODA Join India’s International Bank for a Challenging and Progressive Career

Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2022: To be applied as well as apply on the basis of Bank of Baroda. They were concerned to choose the respective location. Jam end date is 25th November 2022

Last date to apply for this job is 12/07/2022

Mode Of Selection

  • BC Supervisor will be deputed by the respective Regional Offices to monitor the performance of the Regional BCs.
  • The application form should be submitted in hard copy to the concerned regional office by speed post/registered post/courier or in person.
  • The Regional Office will scrutinize the application forms thoroughly and based on the merit of the candidates will shortlist them for the interview process.
  • The Regional Office will send intimation to the short-listed candidates through email only giving details about the date, time and venue of the interview.
  • Based on the suitability of the candidates, the Regional Office will shortlist the final candidates and inform them within 15 days from the date of interview.
  • Interested candidates are required to report to the Regional Office on a predetermined date (mentioned in the intimation letter) along with all necessary documents (both original and photocopy) for verification.
  • The Bank will verify all the criteria mentioned in Point No. 1, Point No. 2 and Point No. 3 at the time of engagement.
  • Selected candidates will have to enter into an agreement with the Bank for a period of 12 months before commencing their roles and responsibilities. The contract will be signed by the selected BC Supervisors and a Bank Officer. The Regional Office will decide the seating area of ​​the BC Supervisors on the basis of their working area. The seating area can be the regional office or any branch of the region.

Application Fee

For more details see official notification

Pay Scale

  • Fixed Component – ​​15,000
  • Variable Component – ​​10,000

Please Note

  1. Candidates are advised to check Bank’s website (Current Opportunities) regularly for details and updates. Call letters/advices, where required will be sent by e-mail only. All revisions/addendum/corrigendum/modifications (if any) will be intimated / hosted on the Bank’s website only
  2. All correspondence will be made only on the email ID mentioned by the candidate in their online application form and the same has to be kept active for receiving communication viz., call letters/Interview Dates/advices etc.
  3. The process of Registration of application is complete when fee is deposited with the Bank through On-line mode on or before the last date for fee payment. 
  4. Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post as on the date of eligibility. Admission to on-line test, if any or subsequent selection processes, will be purely provisional without verification of documents. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents when the candidate reports for further selection process, if called.
  5. Post qualification experience below 6 months in any organization would not be considered (wherever applicable)
  6. Only Candidates willing to serve anywhere in India, should apply

SCALE OF PAY (as amended from time to time) 

  • MMGS II : Rs. 48170 x 1740 (1) – 49910 x 1990 (10) – 69180
  • MMGS III : Rs. 63840 x 1990 (5) – 73790 x 2220 (2) – 78230
  • SMG/S-IV : Rs. 76010 x 2220 (4) – 84890 x 2500 (2) – 89890


  • The selection process may comprise online test (for positions in MMG/S-II & MMG/S-III only), psychometric test or any other test deemed suitable for further selection process followed by Group Discussion and/or Interview of candidates, qualifying in the online test. 
  • However, if the number of eligible applications received is large/less, then Bank reserves the right to change the shortlisting criteria/interview process including multiple rounds / multiple stages. Bank may, at its discretion, consider conducting of Multiple Choice/Descriptive/ Psychometric Test / Group Discussion/Interviews or any other selection/shortlisting methodologies for different positions / scales.

Examination Centres for Online Test/ GD/ Interview or any other method of selection

i. On-line test will be held at the following centres, which shall depend on the number of applications received, administrative feasibility or specific requirements of the bank:

Center of Examination

Panaji, Goa

Candidate Profile

Minimum qualification should be graduation with computer knowledge (MS Office, Email, Internet, etc.), however qualifications like MSc (IT) / BE (IT) / MCA / MBA will be given preference.

Education : B.E. / B.Tech ,MBA / PGDM / MBM ,MCA ,M.Sc

About BOB (Bank Of Baroda)
Bank of Baroda is an Indian nationalized banking and financial services company headquartered in Vadodara. It is the third largest nationalized bank in India, with 132 million customers, a total business of US$218 billion, and a global presence of 100 overseas offices.

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