Bank Of Maharashtra Recruitment 2019 For Internal Ombudsman

Bank Of Maharashtra - Experience : Freshers

Bank of Maharashtra recruitment for 2019 for internal ombudsman in mumbai. Apply for internal ombudsman govt job in bank of maharashtra.


Job Information

This job is the part of bank of maharashtra recruitment and belong to government jobs updates. Bank Of Maharashtra is offering jobs for freshers for the post of bank of maharashtra recruitment 2019 for internal ombudsman in Mumbai so if you are looking for government jobs in Mumbai location and your educational qualification is resume format for freshers to crack bank of maharashtra job interview and check all government jobs faq for answer of your all queries.

Job Title : Internal Ombudsman
Company Name : Bank Of Maharashtra
Job Location : Mumbai , Maharashtra
Education : Any Graduate
Category : Government Jobs
Experience : Freshers
Post Date : 18 January, 2019
Last Date : 18 February, 2019

Job Details

Bank of Maharashtra (BOM) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 1 contractual posts of Internal Ombudsman.

Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 08-02-2019 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Post Vacancy Age Qualification Pay
Internal Ombudsman 1 Under 70 years Graduate in any discipline and more relevant experience Rs.60000/- pm

Dates to Consider:

Opening and closing dates for payment of Application fees: 28-01-2019 to 08-02-2019

Last Date for Receipt of Physical Applications: 18-02-2019

Mode of Recruitment :

On the basis of personal Interviews after shortlisting on the basis of qualification and experience.

Fee Structure :

Application fee Rs. 1180 (Application fee + Intimation charges incl. of GST) for all Candidates.Application fees/ intimation charges through the ONLINE mode only and no other mode of payment is acceptable .

How to Apply :

Interested candidates with qualifications may apply online for concerned posts as per given online application form. No need to send print to Bank of Maharashtra at this stage. Eligible candidates will be intimated about further proceedings. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised.

 Key  DatesEventDateOpening and closing dates for payment of Application fees28-01-2019 to 08-02-2019

Last Date for Receipt of Physical Applications18-02-2019

Application fee (Inclusive of GST) Rs.1180/-Date of GD/Interview Will be informed separately.

Duration of Contract : The candidate shall be appointed on contract basis for 3years.

7)Honorarium :Consolidated  fixed  monthly  remuneration  of  Rs.60000/-pm  subject  to  deduction  of  taxes.Bank car/Conveyance of Rs.20000/-pm and telephone/Mobileexpenses on actual basis or Maximum Rs.5000/-pm  whicheveris  less shall  be  paid. Leased  accommodation  with  max rent of Rs.25000/-pm. (Only In case of candidate who do not have own accommodation at Pune).

There shall be no other allowances.
8) Working Hours :The working hours and weekly off/holidays for the incumbent shall be as applicable to the serving employees of the bank.

9)Leave : a)Casual Leave (CL):CL in a year the rate 1 CL for every month of service, out of which not more than 4 days leave can be taken at a time. However, if his/her absence exceeds one day in a month, proportionate amount shall be deducted for each day of his/her absence over  and  above  the  one  day  permissible  leave  from  the  consolidated  payment.  Balance of the leave shall not be allowed toe carried over to the next year.b)Privilege  Leave  (PL)computed  at  one  day  for  every  11  days  of  service  on  duty,  provided no  PL will  be availed  up  to first 6  months  of  service.  Accumulated  leave  will  not  be encashable.

10)Role and Responsibility of Internal Ombudsman:
(a)Internal Ombudsman shall not handle complaints received directly from the customers or  members  of  public.  In  other  words,  the  internal  Ombudsman  will  deal  only  with  the complaints  that  have  already  been  examined  by  the  bank’s internal   grievance redressal mechanism and have remained partly of wholly un-redressed.(b)Internal  Ombudsman  shall  examine  all  customer  grievances  including  complaints  of deficiency in service on the  part of the bank as also those listed under clause 8 of the Banking Ombudsman scheme,2006 ( as amended from time to time) received by bank and  which  are  partly  or  wholly  rejected  by  bank’s  internal  grievance  redressal mechanism excepting the following:i.Complaints related to frauds, misappropriation etc.
except in respect of deficiency of service, if any, on the part of the bank.ii.

Complaints  /  references  relating  to  
a)  Internal  administration  ,
b)  human  resources,
c) pay and emoluments of staff.
iii.References  in  the  nature  of  suggestions,  requests  for  concessions  in  rate  of  interest charged, rejection of loan proposal,modifications in sanction terms and conditions, enhancement  in  credit  limit,  waiver  /  write-off  of  loans,  etc.  
which  are  primary  in nature of commercial decisions.

Candidate Profile

Graduate in any discipline and more relevant experience

Education : Any Graduate

About Bank Of Maharashtra
Bank of Maharashtra is a major public sector bank in India. Government of India holds 87.01% of the total shares. The bank has 15 million customers across the length and breadth of the country served through 1897 branches as of 5 April 2016.

How to Apply for Internal Ombudsman
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