Tisl Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download tisl placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check tisl sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.


TISL QuestionsThese Questions are from friends who gone for the exams sother may not have answers This time he has not given the number series.Apptitude: part 1 : letter sevies.part 2 : figurespart 3 : quantitaveTechnical:Most question are on Unix and some in C and some inwindows 3.1all question in Unix are From Kernighan & pike part 1 It consists of number series. In some institutes alphabetical series is given instead of number series. 1. 19,24,20,25,21,26,? ans:22 2. 11,14,12,15,13,16,? ans: 14 3. 10,2,8,2,6,2,? a:4 4. 8,9,11,14,,18,23,? a:29 5. 25,25,22,22,19,19,? a:16 6. 14,2,12,4,10,6,? a:8 7. 7,16,9,15,11,14,? a:13 8. 40,42,39,44,38,46,? a:37 9. 3,18,4,24,5,30,? a:6 10. 18,20,22,20,28,20,?...

Whole Testpaper - Paper 4

TISL Placement Sample Question PaperTISL -----------> PAPER MODELTwo parts.Part A: aptitude (100 Que) 100 marksPart B: comp knowledge testTISL(TATA-IBM)PAPER-------------------Q9). what will be the result of executing following programmain{char *x="new";char *y="dictonary";char *t;void swap (char * , char *);swap (x,y);printf("(%s, %s)",x,y);char *t;t=x;x=y;y=t;printf("-(%s, %s)",x,y);}void swap (char *x,char *y){char *t;y=x;x=y;y=t;}a).(New,Dictionary)-(New,Dictionary)b).(Dictionary,New)-(New,Dictionary)c).(New,Dictionary)-(Dictionary,New)d).(Dictionary,New)-(Dictionary,New)e).None of the above(Ans will be b or e) checkQ10).If a directory contains public files (can be valied and usedby any...

Paper 3 - Whole Testpaper

TISL paperVERBAL1.Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump2.Depricate : feel and express disapproval,TISL Latest Fresher Engineer Placement Sample Question Paper 23. incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus)4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility,5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting7. Detrimental: harmful8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly9. orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious10. fallible : liable to error11. volatile : ever changing12. manifest: clear and obvious13.connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite15....

TISL Paper Whole Testpaper - Paper 2

TISL  Placement Sample Question Paper TISL -----------> PAPER MODELTwo parts.Part A: aptitude (100 Que) 100 marksPart B: comp knowledge test TISL(TATA-IBM)PAPER-------------------Q9). what will be the result of executing following programmain{char *x="new";char *y="dictonary";char *t;void swap (char * , char *);swap (x,y);printf("(%s, %s)",x,y); char *t;t=x;x=y;y=t;printf("-(%s, %s)",x,y);}void swap (char *x,char *y){char *t;y=x;x=y;y=t;} a).(New,Dictionary)-(New,Dictionary)b).(Dictionary,New)-(New,Dictionary)c).(New,Dictionary)-(Dictionary,New)d).(Dictionary,New)-(Dictionary,New)e).None of the above(Ans will be b or e) check Q10).If a directory contains public files (can be valied and...

TISL Paper Whole Testpaper - Paper 1

TISL paper VERBAL 1.Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump 2.Depricate : feel and express disapproval, TISL Latest Fresher Engineer Placement Sample Question Paper 2 3. incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus) 4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility, 5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things 6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting 7. Detrimental: harmful 8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly 9. orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious 10. fallible : liable to error 11. volatile : ever changing 12. manifest: clear and obvious 13.connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression 14. Reciprocal:...
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