National Power Training Instt.(ER)
1) The intermediate pressure of a two stage compressor working between p1 and p2 pressure is squareroot(p1.p2)2) In an isothermal atmosphere the relation between rate of pressure and rate of density change is3) Value of T(torque) in combined bending moment and torsion4) A ball bearing arrangement mechanism is used in steering mechanism5) A shaft of 100 mm dia delivering 100 hp at 100rpm. The torque in kg-m is6) For isentropic flow in a convergent divergent nozzle is(V7) relation between t2 and t1 in terms if gamma and Mach no.8) Simple problem of mechanics where 3 bodies of mass 10,20,30 are connected together and pulled with a force of 60N. calc. accelaration9) Relation between lead and pitch...