Rinl Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download rinl placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check rinl sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

Rockwell Collins, Hyderabad ,4 December 2010

1. Written Test Duration: 90 Minutes Number of Questions: 75 (C-25, Basic Electronics-25 and Aptitude-25)2. Technical Interview3. HR InterviewC paper mainly consists of programs i.e., predicting the output. Some of the questions which I remembered are given below:1. main() { int x=10, y=20, z=5, i; i=x4); }Ans: 110. main() { unsigned char i=0*80; printf("\n%d", i


Hi Friends, You are watching this paper means you are going to appear for Vizag steel plant exam.ALL THE BEST for your success in the exam. Myself Suresh thirunagari, BE METALLURGY from ANDHRA UNIVERSITY, i appeared for the exam on June 20th, 2010.The paper is of two sections. Section 1 is apptitude, general knowledge and Section 2 is all engg core subjects. Paper is very simple if you prepare for one month before in General knowledge thier is no need of having good knowledge in the current affairs. Most of the question are day to day routine matter few question are likeQ-1: Brain lara belongs to which cricket team?Q-2: Most number of the votes are cast in which country?Q-3: Who is the author...

SNDT Mumbai ,28 June 2009

RINL Visakhapatnam steel PlantHi,I went through RINL paper in mechanical stream. There were 70 techanical+80aptitute questions total time was 2.5 hours. times was more than sufficient. I finished my paper within 2 hours. questions in technical section was from strength of materials, springs, rivet joints,2 question from welding. nearly 50 question out 70 were from first two chapter of KHURMI-GUPTA objective mechanical. 1) Spring in clutch & brake is used fora)apply force b) absorbing shock c) power transmission d)none2) In spring force per unit deflection is known asans) spring stiffness3) For shock absorbing which spring is useda)closed coil helical spring b) open coil helical spring c)leaf...
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