Rapidigm Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download rapidigm placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check rapidigm sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

Rapidigm Test Pattern

Rapidigm is a US company.Now taken over by Fujitsu,Japan.Rapidigm itself is spread over US and 4 places in INDIA.1.Pune2.Noida3.Bangalore4.Hyderabad Now abt their package:They pay Rs.7000 per month upto 6 months(training period).Then they pay Rs. 1.66 lacs p.a. for the next 1 year.After that your pay will depend on your performance.6 months training period includes training in SAP Technologies. They will make you sign a bond for 1.5 years. Now about the selection process: There are 3 stages:1.Written Aptitude Test. This consists of 60 question to be solved in 90 mins(MCQs).4 sections are there  ----Technical  := Anything related to computer can be asked(DBMS,C/C++,CSA,OS,etc). ...
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