Test Paper 2 - General - Other
PHILIPS PAPERQ1)for all X(roar(X)=3D>lion(X)) a)all lions roar b)some lions roar c) d)Q2)on some polynomial boundsQ3)on emiter coupled logicq4)four qustions on given digital ckt from kennedy book ther are 5 questions.Q5)one from recivers,one from digital comm,one coaxial cable repeaterdistace depends on the channel BW.What is the use of IFQ6)If channel BW is 35khz.What is the maximum freq of data u cantransfer.=3D70khzQ7)line with 2400buads,the dat u can ransmit on it isa)1200kpbsb)2400kpbsc)96kpbsd)192kpbsthese are the qustions in 1 st section section2----------------------------------------------------------------------Q1) void(int *a,int *b) { *b=3D*b^*a; /* ^ is exclusive OR */ *a=3D*b^*a;...