Nucleus Paper Whole Testpaper - 1 June 2004
QS of apti.1.The least no which when divided.....(R.S.AGG PG.31,Q45).2.1 Q on the formula hcf*lcm=product of numbers.3.2 qs.onthe formula (a+b)2,(a-b)2.4.find the smallest among fractions ....5.simple interest qs.6.compound interest qs.7.Venn diagrams given,find the correct dig for the relation brinjal,cabbage,vegetable.8.odd man outa) A b)F c)N d)Hans(a).(all other alphabets have || lines.).9.One english qs on fill blank,passage given.It was on and stream problem.11.Rahul and Radhika age problem.ans. ithink is 15.check out in r.s.agg.12.avg of 5 nos is given, avg of four nos is gien .Find fifth no. Ans.50.check out.13.cost price of 2 television = c.p. of 2 Wash machine.cost...