Lucent Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download lucent placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check lucent sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

General - Other

Sample Test Paper1. 6*12*15 is the volume of some material. How many cubes of edge 3 can be inserted into it ?a. 20 b. 30                            c. 40 d. 462. Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 and 12 hours respectively while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours. If all three pipes operate simultaneously, in how many hours the tank will be filled ?a. 11 Hrs b. 9 Hrs 15 minutes    c. 8 Hrs            d. 7 Hrs 30 minutes                  3....

Whole Testpaper LUCENT PAPER

LUCENT PAPER   Section-I1). Piggy backing is a technique fora) Flow control b) sequence c) Acknowledgement d) retransmitionans: c piggy backing2). The layer in the OST model handles terminal emulationa) session b) application c) presentation d) transportans: b application3) there is an employer table with key feilds as employer no. data in everyn,th row are needed for a simple following queries will get required results.a) select A employe no. from employe A , where exists from employe Bwhere A employe no. >= B employe having (count(*) mod n)=0b) select employe no. from employe A, employe B whereA employe no. >= B employ no. grouply employe no. having (count(*) mod n=0 )c) both...

Lucent Paper General - Other

Sample Test Paper 1. 6*12*15 is the volume of some material. How many cubes of edge 3 can be inserted into it ?a. 20 b. 30                            c. 40 d. 46 2. Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 and 12 hours respectively while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours. If all three pipes operate simultaneously, in how many hours the tank will be filled ?a. 11 Hrs b. 9 Hrs 15 minutes    c. 8 Hrs            d. 7 Hrs 30 minutes                 ...

Lucent Paper Whole Testpaper

LUCENT PAPER   Section-I 1). Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) sequence c) Acknowledgement d) retransmition ans: c piggy backing 2). The layer in the OST model handles terminal emulation a) session b) application c) presentation d) transport ans: b application 3) there is an employer table with key feilds as employer no. data in everyn,th row are needed for a simple following queries will get required results. a) select A employe no. from employe A , where exists from employe Bwhere A employe no. >= B employe having (count(*) mod n)=0b) select employe no. from employe A, employe B whereA employe no. >= B employ no. grouply employe no. having (count(*) mod n=0...
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