Hfcl Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download hfcl placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check hfcl sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

HCL 20 September 2008

HCL PAPER ON 20th SEPTEMBER 2008Interview PatternSection 1:In this section there are mainly questions based on C language like find the errors in the program and what is the output of the following program.some question i remember are1) int i=10;printf("%d %d %d",i++,i++,i--);there is one or two more question on increment operator2) Two question on redirection operator(>>)3) int i=10;if(1,i++,++i)printf ("The value for i is %d",i);4) one question on structure and u have to fine the error in the syntax5) int a=10,b=33;a=a^b;b=a^b;a=a^b;printf("%d %d", a,b);6) int *a;int (*b)();printf("%d %d",sizeof(a),sizeof(b);7) # define SQR(a) (a*a)void main(){printf("%d", SQR(5));}8) And in another question...

General - Interview

HFCL CAMPUS TEST [1] (1) TTL to CMOS pullup & vice-versa(2) function of Ping(3) SNMP protocol(4) Application layer(5) ## ----> token pasting in C(6) Question on C: i^=j you have to tell the output given the values of i and j;(7) Complexity of Binary Search tree(8) Macro is given as follows : SQR(x) x*xfind the value of SQR(i-j) , when i and j were given(9) Multiplexer 1 to 3 inputs--- A,B,C control lines--- S1,S2 Output --- Y .Write Y interms of S1,S2(10) Bandwidth minimum sampling theorem(11) Shannon,s Law(12) Difference between fork() & execve()(13) Banker,s algorithm(14) append(&struct , fp)(15) Windows95 , X-Windows what are they?(16) 16k memory , ending address of the...

Test Pattern

    The selection process consisted of 3 rounds   I  Written test The pattern is total 100 questions 1 hour time  check out the old 98 hexaware paper few qs are from that  few qs on tracing the output(simple ons). basic question on computer awarness(very simple ones like expand WAP, etc very simple ones choose the odd man out type of questions ex A E I O  choose the odd man.  simple math qs like 199^2 - 24^2 etc.  opposites and synonymsmanage your time properly            II    GD. III  Technical/ HR Interview. Hexaware - Interview Procedure The information on the interview...

HFCL Paper General - Interview

HFCL CAMPUS TEST [1] (1) TTL to CMOS pullup & vice-versa (2) function of Ping (3) SNMP protocol (4) Application layer (5) ## ----> token pasting in C (6) Question on C: i^=j you have to tell the output given the values of i and j; (7) Complexity of Binary Search tree (8) Macro is given as follows : SQR(x) x*xfind the value of SQR(i-j) , when i and j were given (9) Multiplexer 1 to 3 inputs--- A,B,C control lines--- S1,S2 Output --- Y .Write Y interms of S1,S2 (10) Bandwidth minimum sampling theorem (11) Shannon,s Law (12) Difference between fork() & execve() (13) Banker,s algorithm (14) append(&struct , fp) (15) Windows95 , X-Windows what are they? (16) 16k memory , ending address...
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