Godrej Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download godrej placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check godrej sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

Godrej Test Paper

GODREJ PATTERN - 16 MAR 2006 - MUMBAI There is very much need of Godrej Infotech Placement Paper for Mumbai candidate. And we find lack of information about it.I attend godrej test on 16-03 I am not able to clear it but I am giving some information about paper which help the others.Also test may be on englishOne Of my friend also attend godrej info. test in college there are three test1.  Apti+Technical2.  Objective Eng3.  Subjective eng(writting skills)Hope this info will help someone Because I search a lot but not getting any information before test

Godrej Whole Testpaper 1

GODREJ PAPER ON 19th DECEMBER Hi Friends, The questions and answers of some questions which r given below are 100% perfect.There r 10 questions and time is 1 hrs.The cut off is 6 or 7. Rules:==>When u stored result in particular box then previous value is lost.==>m+n=r or m*n=r  i.e m,n,or r are any boxes that is addition and multiplication of any two boxes stored in any 3 boxes.==>m-n=m  or m/n=m.==>when u divide then remember only quotient and forget remainder.==>3-1=2 means Box3-Box1=Box2 result stored in box2 ==> 9,17,42    get 50 in box-2 and 25 in box-3  use only add and subtract in 3 stepsAnswers:    9    ...

Godrej Whole Testpaper

GODREJ PAPER Heya Pls go thru this paper.i am sure it  will help u clear d apti.thevery first page is full of instructions n rules(3)(veryimp) and examples(2)[read it carefully] The test is known as box test 2D   Work sheet                                                                              answer sheet...

Godrej Aptitude - Numerical

GOODREJ INFOTECH  -16 MAR 2006 - MUMBAI It is the different kind of test they called it box testThere boxes are given with some value u have to use given arithmetic operators and steps and u have to get required number in appropriate box, No negative marking, Only if the steps increase then 25% negative marking for each stepThe Questions I remember are1. Three boxes 1,2,3 contain values 3,17,34 get 40 in box 1 in 3 steps2. box 1 cotain odd value X or Y the box 2 =X i.e 7 or 12 box 3= Y has value 19 if  X is 7 or 31 if x is 12 get even value X or Y Use any operator      steps allowed 33.The three boxes 1,2,3 has values resp. AB,BC,AC Get 2A(B+C)+AC-2C(A-B)  ...

Godrej Paper Whole Testpaper

GODREJ PAPER Heya Pls go thru this paper.i am sure it  will help u clear d apti.thevery first page is full of instructions n rules(3)(veryimp) and examples(2)[read it carefully] The test is known as box test 2D   Work sheet                                                                              answer...

Godrej Paper Aptitude - Numerical MUMBAI - 16 March 2006

GOODREJ INFOTECH  -16 MAR 2006 - MUMBAI It is the different kind of test they called it box test There boxes are given with some value u have to use given arithmetic operators and steps and u have to get required number in appropriate box, No negative marking, Only if the steps increase then 25% negative marking for each step The Questions I remember are 1. Three boxes 1,2,3 contain values 3,17,34 get 40 in box 1 in 3 steps 2. box 1 cotain odd value X or Y the box 2 =X i.e 7 or 12 box 3= Y has value 19 if  X is 7 or 31 if x is 12 get even value X or Y Use any operator      steps allowed 3 3.The three boxes 1,2,3 has values resp. AB,BC,AC Get 2A(B+C)+AC-2C(A-B)  ...
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