ERICSSON Placement Paper Ericsson Noida 04 September 2010
Hi Friends, I got the oppurtunity to appear 4 Ericsson, i got the hall ticket by mail. Once i reached the office.All i have to do is fill a application form, check your name in list and wait the Ericcson HR team will give you instructions regarding the written test Written test:The written test consists of 60 questionw and we got 75 mins 4 completing it. There were no -ve markings the written was an average kind off R.S.Aggrwal will be sufficient and test consists of aptitude and logical resoning no technical or C was there as we were from ECE branch about 10 question were from D.I. only, sum from profit and loss, series, odd 1 out and soon after 1 hour are so they announced the results about...