Dsq Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download dsq placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check dsq sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

DSQ General - Other

 DSQ PAPER. - Aug-04Technical aptitude test1. the 2,s complement number of 110010 isans; none of those2.Truth table of a logic functionans: displays all its input output possibilities3.The process of varying one signal according to the patternprovided by another signal isans:modulation4.The octal equivalant of hexa number 123 isans:443.Determine how many times the given loop is executed5.m=3 while (m<18) do {m=m+2;m=m-1}ans:156.m=1;a=30;while (m<>1) do {m=m+1;a=a-1;}7.m=1;a=30;while (e*m-5<a) do {m=m+1;a=a-2}ans:9in questions 8 to 12 find the values of a and b at the end of thexecution of the program segment8.a=2;b=1;x=1;while(x<=4)do {a=a+b;x=x+1}ans:(5,1)9.a=1;b=2;x=1...

DSQ Technical - C & C++

DSQ PAPER Techanical paperQuestions 1 -5 are reference to the followig psedo code{input m,n,zTEST:if ((m+n)/3>5)z=z+1 else z =z-1printf m,n,z{(m-m+1;n=n-3)if (m+n+2)>14 then goto testprint m,n,zend}1. what is the final output of the if the input is 2,14,12 (m,n,z)a)1,8,4 b)1,4,8 c)4,8,1 d)8,4,2ans=C.2. what is the final output if the input is 1,18,2? (m,n,z)ans) 5,6,2 i.e ans =c.3. How many times is TEST execute ed if the input is 2,14,1?ans) twice ans=c.4) How many times the TEST exected if the input is 1,18,2?ans)four times 5) what are the values taken by Z when input being 8,24,1?a)only 5 b)only 6 c)neither 5 or 6 d)both 5 and 6ans)D.6) the function f(x) is defined...

DSQ Paper General - Other - 14 August 2004

DSQ PAPER. - Aug-04 Technical aptitude test 1. the 2,s complement number of 110010 isans; none of those2.Truth table of a logic functionans: displays all its input output possibilities3.The process of varying one signal according to the patternprovided by another signal isans:modulation4.The octal equivalant of hexa number 123 isans:443.Determine how many times the given loop is executed5.m=3 while (m<18) do {m=m+2;m=m-1}ans:156.m=1;a=30;while (m<>1) do {m=m+1;a=a-1;}7.m=1;a=30;while (e*m-5<a) do {m=m+1;a=a-2}ans:9in questions 8 to 12 find the values of a and b at the end of thexecution of the program segment8.a=2;b=1;x=1;while(x<=4)do {a=a+b;x=x+1}ans:(5,1)9.a=1;b=2;x=1...

DSQ Paper Technical - C & C++

DSQ PAPER Techanical paper Questions 1 -5 are reference to the followig psedo code{input m,n,zTEST:if ((m+n)/3>5)z=z+1 else z =z-1printf m,n,z{(m-m+1;n=n-3)if (m+n+2)>14 then goto testprint m,n,zend}1. what is the final output of the if the input is 2,14,12 (m,n,z)a)1,8,4 b)1,4,8 c)4,8,1 d)8,4,2ans=C. 2. what is the final output if the input is 1,18,2? (m,n,z)ans) 5,6,2 i.e ans =c.3. How many times is TEST execute ed if the input is 2,14,1?ans) twice ans=c. 4) How many times the TEST exected if the input is 1,18,2?ans)four times 5) what are the values taken by Z when input being 8,24,1?a)only 5 b)only 6 c)neither 5 or 6 d)both 5 and 6ans)D. 6) the function f(x) is defined as followsif...
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