Bob Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

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ALAHABAD ,14 October 2003

Bob Technologies Sample Paper 1 2003 OCT 14 ALAHABAD1)Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.1) float f=1.3; 2) char c="a"; 3) byte b=257; 4) boolean b=null; 5) int i=10;2)What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?public class MyClass {public static void main(String arguments[]) {amethod(arguments);}public void amethod(String[] arguments) {System.out.println(arguments);System.out.println(arguments[1]);}}1) error Can,t make static reference to void amethod.2) error method main not correct3) error array must include parameter4) amethod must be declared with String3)Which of the following will compile without errora)import java.awt.*;package Mypackage;class...

BOB Test Paper

Started operations from January 2005, with activities like Software development and Staff augmentation services, BOB Technologies represents an enthusiastic team of bright & experienced business executives with collective strengths moving towards a shared goal!BOB Technologies, based in Bangalore, Karnataka, provides Business solutions and Staff Augmentation to medium and large sized corporations in the global market.Our 90+ team will soon emerge to be 150+ software professionals by this financial quarter, consisting of technically sound; handpicked and identified from the Indian IT colleges and industry.Operating from our state-of-the-art development centers at Bangalore and Hyderabad,...

Collection No. 2 - BOB Technical - Java

 Bob Technologies Sample Paper 1  2003 OCT 14 ALAHABAD1)Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.1) float f=1.3; 2) char c="a"; 3) byte b=257; 4) boolean b=null; 5) int i=10;2)What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?public class MyClass {public static void main(String arguments[]) {amethod(arguments);}public void amethod(String[] arguments) {System.out.println(arguments);System.out.println(arguments[1]);}}1) error Can,t make static reference to void amethod.2) error method main not correct3) error array must include parameter4) amethod must be declared with String3)Which of the following will compile without errora)import java.awt.*;package...

Collection No. 1 - BOB Technical - Java

Bob Technologies Sample Paper2Questions1)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?abstract class Base{abstract public void myfunc();public void another(){System.out.println("Another method");}}public class Abs extends Base{public static void main(String argv[]){Abs a = new Abs();a.amethod();}public void myfunc(){System.out.println("My Func");}public void amethod(){myfunc();}}1) The code will compile and run, printing out the words "My Func"2) The compiler will complain that the Base class has non abstract methods3) The code will compile but complain at run time that the Base class has non abstract methods4) The compiler will complain that the method myfunc in the base class...

BOB Paper Technical - Java ALAHABAD - 14 October 2003

Bob Technologies Sample Paper 1  2003 OCT 14 ALAHABAD 1)Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.1) float f=1.3; 2) char c="a"; 3) byte b=257; 4) boolean b=null; 5) int i=10; 2)What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?public class MyClass {public static void main(String arguments[]) {amethod(arguments);}public void amethod(String[] arguments) {System.out.println(arguments);System.out.println(arguments[1]);}} 1) error Can,t make static reference to void amethod.2) error method main not correct3) error array must include parameter4) amethod must be declared with String 3)Which of the following will compile without errora)import java.awt.*;package...

BOB Paper Technical - Java

Bob Technologies Sample Paper2 Questions 1)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?abstract class Base{abstract public void myfunc();public void another(){System.out.println("Another method");}} public class Abs extends Base{public static void main(String argv[]){Abs a = new Abs();a.amethod();}public void myfunc(){System.out.println("My Func");}public void amethod(){myfunc();}}1) The code will compile and run, printing out the words "My Func"2) The compiler will complain that the Base class has non abstract methods3) The code will compile but complain at run time that the Base class has non abstract methods4) The compiler will complain that the method myfunc in the base...
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