BEL Placement Paper Technical 23 September 2011
BELTechnical and Electronics Placement Paper with answersBEL Latest Placement paper with solutions (Technical-Electronics-IInd)1. Resistivity of silicon in ohms cm. is approx. equal toa. 50 b. 1012 c. 230k d. 10-6 2. Rsistivity ofGermanium in ohms cm. is approx. equal toa. 50 b. 10-12 c. 50k d. 10-6 3. The number of free electrons/cubic cm intrinsic Germanium at room temperature is approx. equal toa. 1.5*1010 b. 2.5*1013 c. 1000 d. 5*106 4. The number of free electrons/cubic cm of intrinsic silicon at room temperature is approx. equal toa. 1.5*1010 b. 2.5*1013 c. 10000 d. 5*106 5. The forbidden energy gap for silicon isa. 1.1eV b. 067eV c. 0.97eV d. 1.7eV 6. The forbidden energy gap for Germanium...