3dplm Placement Papers to Download in PDF and Word Format

Download 3dplm placement papers in ms word and pdf format for written exams. Check 3dplm sample interview questions and test papers for your job interview.

3DPLM Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process : C++ Developer 1. Aptitude Written Test ( 20 Questions, 15 Minutes ) 2. General Intelligence Written Test( 40 Questions, 30 Minutes ) 3. C++ Written Test ( 20 Questions, 15 Minutes) 4. Technical Round 1 5. Technical Round 2 6. HR Round Questions Asked in 3DPLM : Aptitude and general Intelligence -> Profit and loss, age, Direction, Cube Based, series, trail zero in 200!, Total square in Chess Board, Mirror Images, get the vales of x and y from the equation, 97 Basket Ball team problem, Train and Distance, Meeting Point, Mixture, Ratio, Ant climb on 60 feet poll problem, Odd man out, Permutation Combination, Probability, Distance, speed, time take, Cube coloring problem....

3dplm Placement Papers

3dPLM Interview Experience Round 1:Aptitude Questions based on normal topics such as ages, profit/loss, average, percentage.  Given 40 questions and have to finish it in 20 minutes. Round 2:Technical Aptitude Based on domain like c++ and java. 20 questions and given a time slot of 15 minutes to solve the questions. Round 3: Interview Round -Technical Asked about C++ domain questions  as I have applied for C++.Normal questions based on dynamic               programming, hashing, sorting etc. Unknown Experience I applied through a recruiter. The process took 5 days. I interviewed at 3dplm Software Solution (New York, NY (US)) in March 2018. 1....
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